Welcome to our vlog! Check our our videos for educational content, stories and perspectives, peppered with humor and great value! We update this frequently so check back for more new content or follow us on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram!

Effective Video Distribution

January 27, 2021

Distributing your marketing videos correctly is the #1 step to a successful launch! In this video, Adam talks about how […]

Framing and Composition – Better Cell Phone Videos Part 3

April 29, 2020

In this episode of Better Cell Phone Videos, Adam covers how best to frame and compose your shot to best […]

Getting Better Lighting – Better Cell Phone Videos Part 2

April 15, 2020

Improving the visual of your video will greatly improve your viewer’s response to it! It’s so much easier to watch […]

Creating Better Cell Phone Videos

Improving Your Audio – Better Cell Phone Videos Part 1

April 9, 2020

Do you want to create engaging videos that help you communicate better with your clients or followers? Olivedia is here […]