In this episode of Better Cell Phone Videos, Adam covers how best to frame and compose your shot to best draw in your audience. Follow these tips to greatly improve the look of your videos!

Equipment mentioned/used in this video:

Tripod setup for cell phones:

LED Light:

Rode VideoMic NTG:

Video Transcript:

Hey guys, Adam here with more tips on effective cell phone videos. These videos have been getting awesome feedback from my Facebook followers and friends, which is super exciting! Last video we talked about the importance of good lighting and how best to expose your shot. Next we’re talking a little about framing and composition.

First step we want to discuss is video orientation. We’re seeing more and more people shoot in vertical with video, and that makes most videographers cry a little on this inside. If fact, for a long time we called the issue vertical video syndrome and there was a serious push-back to the new trend. I like to think I’m a little more open minded and do thing there’s a time and place for both. For platforms like TikTok and maybe even Instagram or Facebook Stories, Vertical may be the way to go, but it’s commonly agreed that having a horizontal orientation looks more professional and better planned. Also, it’s easier to add more details into the frame when shooting this way, so that is what I recommend for vlog-style selfie videos.

Next step is the rule of thirds. This is one of the most basic rules in photography and videography. It says that objects of important should sit on the let or right third of the frame. Simple imagine you have your image sliced in three parts. Put the object of importance on one of those slices, and make sure that the direction of your focus, ie your posture, is focused towards the OTHER third. Not the edge of frame, as that’s just awkward and seems like you’re about to fall off of the video. Because we have a little more freedom with cell phone videos, I’d recommend just doing your best to stay between the two thirds.

Both of these rules are een easier to follow if you have a tripod and a phone mount, so you can take little time to set up your shot, and then focus specifically on your message and not worry about how you’re holding your phone.

Next tip I have is very important, and that is to look into the camera lens! Trust me, even if it’s not blatantly obvious that you’re looking at yourself, people will connect better when your attention is directly on them. If you have a lot of trouble keeping your attention on the lens, you might consider covering your screen or putting a ring protector over your lens to help you remember. You could even record with your back camera, which can be slightly difficult because you can’t check your status, but if it works, typically that camera is better quality anyway.

Lastly, clean up your workspace! Close your closet door, clean up last night’s dinner, and give the kids a pop-tart, as anyone watching your videos will be easily distracted by unnecessary things, especially if they’re moving in the background. In movies, we’re trained to pay attention to every detail. Every object and detail is placed there for a very specific reason. So if you have clothes hanging out of your hamper and a dog vomiting in your vent register, people are going to notice. So take a minute before recording and clean up your space! People may not immediately thank you for it, but it does make a big difference and viewers will more easily focus on your message.

Check back soon for the next part where we talk about content, length, and quantity! Hope you found this helpful! If so, give it a like and share with someone who could also benefit from some killer tips! See you next time!

One Comment

  1. Pretty! This was an extremely wonderful post.
    Thanks for suoplying this info.